Cheap Wine Rack Solutions At

If you're a novice wine enthusiast and you can't quite afford to build a wine cellar in your basement, there are still many cheap wine rack solutions available. Companies such as offer a variety of metal wire wine racks or small wooden racks that can carry as few as two bottles for a reasonable price.

Investigating Cheap Wine Rack Solutions at

When it comes to wine storage, not everyone can afford an expansive wine cellar with a state-of-the-art wine cooling system and custom-made cedar racks. While it's easy to find cheap wine racks from a variety of sources, you'll still need a quality product that can protect your investment regardless of how modest it is.

At, we have a wide variety of cheap wine racks that will fit your budget and still protect your wine from breakage, spoilage and poor ventilation. We offer the following cheap wine rack solutions:

  • Climbing tendril wine racks that hold six bottles and can be easily mounted on a wall or ceiling
  • Floor-standing metal wire wine racks that can carry up to six bottles and still cost less than $25
  • Expandable solid pine and steel racks that can grow as your collection and expertise grows
  • Contemporary wall racks that can be set under counters in order to protect your favorite bottles from harmful ultra-violet rays

For more information on our affordable wine storage solutions, simply email us at [email protected]. You can also find out about our international shipping by calling our experts at (877) 447-8700 or faxing us at (925) 447-8015.